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BCI: Elastomer family table

Natural Rubber - NRExcellent deformation in compression, stretching, bending and torsionLittle resistance to hydrocarbons and solventsApplications with dynamic loads in compression, torsion or elongation.
Excellent ability to re-form into shape quicklyLow resistance to UV and ozoneSuspension parts, impact or vibration damping
High resistance to cuts and abrasionPoor resistance to strong chemicals.High severity abrasion wear resistance parts
Retains elasticity at low temperaturesInflatable parts
SBRGood deformation propertiesLow resistance to hydrocarbonsGeneral use wear parts
styrene-butadieneExcellent abrasion resistance propertiesModerate resistance to chemicals, alcohols, ketonesFlexible seals
Good water resistanceLow resistance to UV and ozoneProtective caps
Good stiffness/rigidity
EPDMGood resistance to UV agingLow resistance to hydrocarbons and solventsOutdoor-use rooms exposed to the elements and the sun.
ethylene propylene diene monomerResistant to atmospheric agents such as water and ozoneLimited deformation capabilitiesEquipment exposed to ozone
High resistance to large temperature variationsAbility to return to shape after deformationAuto parts and recreational vehicles
Excellent resistance to chemicalsParts for heating and ventilation systems
BRHigh resistance to barsion by frictionLow resistance to hydrocarbons and solventsTires
polybutadiene rubberExcellent as additiive element to other polymersLow resistance to ozoneAbrasion resistant parts
NeopreneGood ozone resistanceLittle resistant to strong acids, oxidants, ketones, chlorides.General use wear parts
Moderate resistance to chemicals, hydrocarbons and solventsGaskets
Flame retardation capabilitiesDynamic applications
Good deformation in compression, stretching, bending and torsionApplications subject to oils and hydrocarbons
Good abrasion and tear resistance
NitrileExcellent resistance to hydrocarbons, oils and petroleumLow resistance to ozone, ketones, aldehydesParts exposed to hydrocarbons.
Good deformation in compression, stretching, bending and torsionPoor cut resistanceOil-resistant gaskets
Good abrasion resistancePoor electrical insulation
SiliconeGood resistance and performance at high and low temperaturesNot very resistant to cuts and extreme loads.Part for food, medical, pharmaceutical use.
Good physical propertiesLow resistance to solvents and oilsPart requiring FDA approvals.
Can respect food, medical and pharmaceutic standardsLow tear and cut resistanceElectrical insulation parts
Good resistance to chemicals, UV and ozone
Can be easily colored or translucent.
High electrical resistance