Flexarmor chute liners are designed to meet the specific needs of each chute based on ore size, drop height and assembly method. The rubber thickness used can vary from one section of the chute to another depending on the level of impact or abrasion, and Abreco or Steelguard inserts can be molded into Flexarmor parts to optimize the wear performance in certain areas. Flexarmor liners prevent structural damages by absorbing impact energy and provides 5-6 times the wear life of steel liners.
Primary Crusher Chutes for Quarries:
Flexarmor crusher chute liners for quarries are sold in ready-to-install sets with each part quickly replaceable when worn. The liners are equipped with threaded inserts for easy handling during installation and are molded onto a steel backing sheet used for bolting on the structure. These liners provide you with protection against structural damages, durability for several production seasons, and a significant reduction in environmental noise levels compared to steel liners.
For existing chutes, we offer a service to optimize wear performance by adapting different rubber thicknesses in specific areas, by adding HT or Steelguard plates where the bucket of your loading equipment may come in contact with the rubber, and by eliminating certain horizontal joints that could allow fine particles to migrate behind the liners.
Remember that rubbers are not all created equal and that our rubber compounds are the best performing on the market. All our products are designed and molded locally to offer you a unique custom solution, short lead times and optimum quality.